National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관)

National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관) (Image by author)

The National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관) was another amazing museum. The building itself was grand and well-designed. It was spacious enough to hold many different tourist groups. There were exhibits ranging from prehistoric Korea to the Three Kingdom era (with an exhibit for each one of them), from the Goreyo Dynasty (where the name Koreacome from), to the Joseon Dynasty, and finally to the modern Korean Empire. Each exhibit was well-curated and easy to explore. We also learnt in detail how the Korean alphabets (Hangul) came to be and its underlying principles. Overall, this was an amazing musuem and a must go-most Seoul museums are like that. You can easily spend the better part of a day here. So, plan for some nice meal for dinner afterwards, an easy job given the range of food options.

National Fire Drill

National Fire Drill (Image by author)

While we were visiting the National Museum of Korea, we encountered the National Fire Drill. Like all fire drills, we were to evacuate to a designated area outside of the museum. Everyone (including school kids) were courteous and waited outside patiently until the drill was over.