Dotonbori district and Shinsaibashi

One of the most popular shopping districts in Osaka is the Dotonbori district and the nearby Shinsaibashi. Although Shinsaibashi was not a shopping mall, the entire area was covered and sheltered from the elements. There were many restaurants and shops in the Dotonbori district.

One of the most recognizable landmarks is the Glico Running Man advertisement which had been up there for over 80 years (with design changes from time to time). Even the prime minister of Singapore couldn't help but did the Glico man pose when he last visited Osaka.

Takoyaki (Octopus Balls)

Takoyaki (Octopus Ball) (Image by author)

Japan is one of the largest importers of octopus. Some of these octopus ended up on our plate as takoyaki. In Dontonbori, you can see many takoyaki vendors and a lot of them have long line ups. Every vendor had its own specialty and I would recommend trying different ones as they are slightly different in terms of texture and taste.